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Advisory Board

Founder and Director


Rev. Dr. Kelly Diehl Yates


Dr. Yates holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Southern Nazarene University. She completed her doctorate in historical theology at the University of Manchester/Nazarene Theological College in 2018. She has been a senior pastor and associate pastor in the Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma and Arkansas, and is currently on the pastoral staff at OKC 1st Church of the Nazarene. She teaches for Indiana Wesleyan University, and has two published books and several published articles. For a list of her publications, click here. 



Rev. Shari Palmer

Pastor of Golden Church of the Nazarene

Golden, CO


Rev. Palmer has been the senior pastor of Golden Church of the Nazarene in Golden, CO for nine years. She values authenticity and connecting with other pastors as part of her self care. She enjoys hiking with her husband, David, and two boys, Ryan and Will.

Rev. Ken Murray

Retired Pastor in the Church of the Nazarene



Rev. Murray served in active ministry in the Church of the Nazarene for 50 years. For most of those years he was the solo pastor in smaller churches. In 2019 he retired as office manager for the Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene and accepted the ministry of Shepherding Pastor at OKC 1st Church. In that capacity he works to help local and district licensed ministers in the development of their individual callings. He and his wife Margaret have two children and five grandchildren.


Margaret Murray, LPC, LMFT

Licensed therapist 



Margaret has been the wife of a minister for 51 years.  In that position, she served in multiple capacities. She completed her Master's Degree in Counseling in 1988 and began her career as a therapist at Samaritan Counseling Center in Shreveport, LA.  She became the Executive Director of the Center in 1994. She served in that position until 2002 when she and her husband moved to Oklahoma. She was employed as a therapist in the campus counseling center at Southern Nazarene University for several years and supervised Master's Counseling students.  Additionally, she taught in the university's Masters in Counseling program. She currently is in private practice which she began in 2005. She believes strongly in God's direction in her life to become a therapist and is grateful for the opportunity to be WITH people in pain and assist them in walking through the difficult times.

Rev. Sunie Stolhand

Pastor of  First Church of the Nazarene

Ponca City, OK 

Sunie currently serves at First Church of the Nazarene in Ponca City, OK with her husband, Rick, and their two children Jamie and Kendra. She loves most aspects of ministry life, but feels especially called to places of deep authenticity where she can mourn with those who mourn and celebrate with those who are celebrating. It is messy work, but it is often where love is found.

Rev. Drew Dinnel

Pastor of Muskogee Church of the Nazarene

Muskogee, OK 


Linda Crow

Retired Missionary and Interior Designer



Linda was raised on a ranch in Texas. She graduated from SNU with a degree in Home-economics and later worked towards a degree in Family Counseling from Chapman  University. She worked alongside her husband in mission work, writing the first books on Infant Care in the Creole language, and establishing Nutrition Centers across the island of Haiti. In Switzerland, she taught young women the joy of Women’s Ministries. Upon returning to Oklahoma, Linda started an Interior Design Business. Walt and Linda have three daughters who are her best friends. Her passions include public speaking, teaching Bible Studies, and decorating. She has five published books.

Walt Crow Center | A Ministry of OKC First Church of the Nazarene

4400 NW Expressway OKC, OK 73116 | 405-843-9588

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